Sports Heart
Sports Heart works for all children's right to sports and health. Through inspiration, dissemination of knowledge and education, we contribute to a joyful, developing and welcoming sports environment. An environment that sees, confirms and meets each individual where he or she is as a person and athlete

The social sports environment lays the foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle. It also offers a positive, meaningful context characterized by camaraderie and respect that strengthens the individual's self-esteem. In the social sports environment, more people continue with their sports, from increased breadth also follows greater peak.
Sports Heart's work is based on modern sports psychology research and aims to create motivation for a lifelong passion for sport, whether it leads all the way to national team assignments or stops at good exercise habits. We do this by supplementing the physical, technical and tactical aspects of sportsmanship with knowledge of the psychological, social and emotional parts the individual needs to create a positive and enduring relationship with sport.
The motivation model
Motivation is what drives us forward from birth, and it plays a decisive role in schooling, working life and - sports. Through knowledge of individuals' motivational patterns, it is possible to design environments, for example training groups, associations or other organizations, in ways that increase the probability of good performance.
Therefore, Sports Heart's activities are based on what modern sports psychology research calls the "motivation model". The model describes how the sports environment can be designed so that as many children and young people as possible thrive, develop and build a lifelong passion for sports. It also means that it is the business model that generates the most top athletes.